Browntail moth rash is an incredibly itchy rash similar to poison ivy that has affected countless Mainers and vacationers alike. It can occur when the toxic hairs of the browntail moth caterpillar embed in the skin and last for several days or even weeks. Treatment for the rash includes both over-the-counter and prescription medications.
Fortunately, we compound a prescription-strength solution for the rash. It has provided significant relief for hundreds of patients.* This soothing treatment is available as a spray or lotion.
Frequently Asked Questions
The spray covers a wide area and the lotion is good for the face, localized patches or children. We recommend you store both in the refrigerator for longevity and additional cooling relief.
The lotion is preferred, however, it’s best to consult with your pediatrician. We can also make a customized formulation for your child if necessary. To discuss options, your practitioner can speak with one of our pharmacists at (207) 899-0886.
We aren’t contracted with any insurance companies, but we can provide a universal insurance claim form for you to submit yourself. Please ask for the form when you set up your order.
The browntail moth spray comes in 60 ml or 90 ml bottles. The 60 ml bottle contains about 230 sprays and the 90 ml bottle contains about 345 sprays. The browntail moth lotion comes in 60 gm or 90 gm containers.
We recommend larger sizes when the rash area is widespread.
Yes. If you have a more mild case, you may benefit from OTC formulations. We sell a few options, which can be found in our BTM rash treatment store.
Request a Prescription

Both compounded formulations are available by prescription only, so you will need to see your doctor or urgent care facility. The office can call or fax a prescription for “browntail moth rash spray” or “browntail moth rash lotion.” Once you receive the call, your prescription will be processed as quickly as possible.
Many area healthcare offices and urgent care facilities are familiar with this compound. If they have questions, they can call us at (207) 899-0886.
Myself and many patients have been spared sleepless nights of itching from browntail moth rashes by this product. It is a relief to have confidence in this prescription instead of experimenting with other topical treatments.
Josie Skavdahl, ND, CPM
I’ve had browntail moth rash multiple times and recommend your product to anyone who gets the rash. Your product is like gold!
Park Ranger, Freeport
Visit our browntail moth information page for more information on the browntail moth, how to prevent the rash, and links to area resources.
*Although this medication has been effective for many people, it is not guaranteed. Your body is unique and responds in different ways. It is formulated to ease the symptoms of the rash and is not a cure.
Talk to a Pharmacist
Want to try an over-the-counter option first?
Get targeted OTC relief.
*Ships same day when ordered before 4 pm, Monday – Friday.

This site provides general information and discussion about medicine, health and related subjects. The words and other content provided in the site and any linked materials are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice. Information provided here is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If the reader or any other person has a medical concern, he or she should consult with an appropriately-licensed physician or other health care worker.