Those of us with limited knowledge on Lyme disease can spend weeks Googling until we’re completely overwhelmed with information. That information would fall within the wide spectrum of great to terrible and we’d have no idea which was which. Tom Stewart, on the other hand, was forced to immerse himself in the huge pool of knowledge and wade through the great to terrible. We can benefit from Tom’s research through the comprehensive list of resources and protocols he has amassed since his 2010 diagnosis. For more information, read Tom’s story.
Permethrin clothes soak kits (10 pack): www.shop.biteandstings.com/product.sc?productId=106&categoryId=11
- LymeDisease.org
www.lymedisease.org - MaineLyme Non-profit
mainelyme.org - ILADS
http://www.ilads.org - Burrascano’s Guidelines 2008
http://www.ilads.org/lyme_disease/B_guidelines_12_17_08.pdf - Lyme Disease Association
lymenet.org - Columbia Lyme
http://www.columbia-lyme.org/index.html - When to Suspect Lyme
http://cassia.org/essay.htm - Cheryl’s Lyme site
http://www.lymeinfo.net/lyme.html - Neuropsychiatric Lyme disease
http://www.lymeinfo.net/neuropsych.html - The Dirty Truth About Lyme Disease Research
http://www.angelfire.com/biz/romarkaraoke/Lymetruth.html - Rash Diagnosis
http://www.nurseweek.com/news/features/02-08/lyme_web.asp - University of Rhode Island (basic info and testing of ticks)
http://www.tickencounter.org - Symptom List for Lyme and Co-infections
- Why Can’t I Get Better
Richard Horowitz - How Can I Get Better (Best single book on tick-borne illnesses in Tom’s opinion!)
Richard Horowitz - The Lyme Disease Solution
Kenneth Singleton - Everything You Need to Know About Lyme Disease
Karen Vanderhoof-Forschner - Coping with Lyme Disease
Denise Lang - Cure Unknown
Pam Weintraub - Biography of a Germ
Arno Karlan - The Widening Circle
Polly Murray
Under Our Skin – www.underourskin.com
I perform these activities especially during times of flare up.
- 8-10 drops of Burbur in water
- Tea: Dandelion Root, Decaf Green, Licorice, Smooth Move
- Fiber from various sources: MetaFiber, hemp, , veggies
- 1/2 lemon in extra-large glass of water (drink through straw)
- Skin brushing, then hot detox bath (1c Epsom, 1c NaCl, 1c Baking Soda, 1c Aloe Vera Juice)
- Alka-seltzer Gold (add six Essential Pro when experiencing onset of a major herx)
- Light Stretching or yoga
- Deep breathing while walking or detox bathing
- Laughing
- Rotation Diet
- Elimination Diet
- Aleve or Tylenol (twice daily) as needed for inflammation and pain
- Focus on Positive affirmations
- Listen to self-hypnosis iPhone Apps
- Listen to inspiring or soothing music
- Spend time observing nature
- Strength training: twice weekly when able
- Zazen meditation
- Minimize exposure to EMFs and POPs, flame retardants, mold and mildew, dust, pollen
- No: seafood, sugars, simple carbs, dairy, gluten, alcohol and proc. foods, (90% compliant)
- 7-8 hours sleep/night, and 1-2 hour naps when possible)
- Moving towards a vegetable-based diet
- Eliminate microwave oven use
- Increase nature time and decrease screen time
- Incremental increase in physical fitness activity
- Once an hour get up and stretch or move
- No sustained activities without periods of rest
- Afternoon nap whenever possible or feeling exhausted
Remember, acquiring knowledge is key to making informed decisions regarding your pathway back to a state of wellness. Whatever protocol a Lyme doctor prescribes, try to be 100% compliant.