Miss an event?
Most of our events are recorded and posted on our YouTube channel.
Strength Training for Aging Bodies
Held May 25th, 2021
Strength training is an important part of ensuring your quality of life as you age. When you lose muscle mass, you lose the ability to do the things you enjoy in life. Even simple things, like scrubbing the floor! Evan will guide you through the things you can do to increase your strength in a manageable way. It’s not all about boot camp and CrossFit.
Have you ever heard someone say “I’m too old to exercise?” I think we all have at some point in our lives but the ironic thing is, exercising should never stop no matter what age you are. It actually becomes more important to exercise as you get older and statistics to support this.
Strength training has been shown to lower mortality rates, lower the risk of cancer-related deaths, lower the risk of falling, and give an overall increase in the quality of life?
There are so many more benefits to strength training than I explained but you get the picture. In this webinar, I’ll be explaining why strength training is essential as you get older. A strong body is a healthy body!
Evan Amell, BS, FNC, Head Coach/Owner, EA Fitness and Performance
Balance Improvement and Fall Prevention
Held Wednesday, April 28th, 2021
Falls are one of the leading causes of disability in older adults…but it doesn’t have to be. Many aspects of falls are preventable. In this balance and falls prevention workshop, Dr. Phil Finemore, PT, DPT will discuss the five main areas of our body that contribute to balance and how we can reverse the aging process in some of these key areas to prevent falls from happening in the first place!
Philip Finemore, PT, DPT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS, Owner of WorkFitME
More About Dr. Finemore
Watch the Recording
Acupuncture for the Treatment of Infertility
Held April 15th, 2021
Acupuncture has been used to treat infertility since at least 476 BC, and this body of knowledge regarding the use of acupuncture to treat infertility, and other obstetric and gynecological diseases has expanded over the millennia. Acupuncture is still being used to assist with reproduction as well as an integrative approach to in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Acupuncture has proven effective in the treatment of infertility, as either a stand-alone treatment or as an integrative approach with orthodox medicine. Two out of three couples use complementary therapies instead of or along with orthodox medical treatments. Donald Charlson will provide an overview of how acupuncture is able to assist couples in having a child and answer questions during a live streaming presentation. He has been practicing acupuncture and Chinese Medicine for over two decades and has assisted several women in having a successful pregnancy.
Donald Charlson, MS, MBA, RN, LAc, DOM, Licensed Acupuncturist, Family Chiropractic Associates
More About Donald
Watch the Recording
Foundations of Wholeness
Held March 30th, 2021
Wholeness resides in imperfection. Although you may currently feel like a mess, your health can be restored. Nutritious food, a healthy lifestyle, and balanced physiology all contribute to your energy, serenity, and sanity. But knowing it and doing it, are two different things.
Your inner knowing and lived experience are valuable sources of information when making decisions. Sometimes they’re not enough to resolve a health issue. That’s when science and support are essential. Carrie Levine, The Whole Life Midwife, will help turn you towards the right path.
Carrie Levine, CNM, Whole Woman Health
More About Carrie
Get started now!
Sign up to receive Carrie’s Foundations of Wholeness mini-guide at www.beautifulmessywholeness.com
Watch the Recording
Rotator Cuff Injury, Prevention, and Treatment
Held March 17th, 2021
Dr. Phil Finemore, PT, DPT of WorkFitME Mobile PT will discuss the most common cause of shoulder pain, inflammation in the rotator cuff, and how to treat and prevent it without the use of pain medications or surgery. In the webinar, the most common causes of rotator cuff injury and pain will be addressed, along with tips and tricks to help relieve shoulder pain whether it is new or chronic and lingering.
Philip Finemore, PT, DPT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS, Owner of WorkFitME
More About Dr. Finemore
Watch the Recording
Prescribing Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN): What We Know, Mechanisms and Evidence
Held Wednesday, March 17th, 2021
Individuals who suffer from symptoms of gastrointestinal, autoimmune, dermatological and pain conditions make up 80% of the patient population. The good news? Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has been studied recently as a potential treatment option. Please join us for a free, live webinar that will provide insight into the science, physiology, and mechanisms of action of LDN, and answer your questions about the many conditions it may be beneficial for:
- Autoimmune disorders
- Chronic pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Anxiety
- Inflammatory conditions of the skin
- Veterinary conditions
- Hashimoto’s disease
- Crohn’s disease
- And more!
Sebastian Denison, RPh, FAARM (candidate) | PCCA Clinical Compounding Pharmacist
More About Sebastian and LDN
Are you a prescriber interested in watching the recording? Contact Drew Gray at [email protected].
Managing Insomnia, Anxiety, and Seasonal Affective Disorder with Acupuncture and Self-Care Techniques
Held February 11th, 2021
Maine is known for its four seasons; however, Maine winters test the hardiest soul’s resilience with its shorter days and cold weather from October to March that can exacerbate anxiety, insomnia, and also affect those who are susceptible to Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Don will be giving an overview about acupuncture and the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, or Seasonal Affective Disorder. Research has demonstrated acupuncture’s effectiveness for these illnesses. He will also talk about the self-care for these ailments and provide information to help make Maine winters a little more enjoyable.
Donald Charlson, RN, LAc
Licensed Acupuncturist, Scarborough Family Chiropractic Associates
More About Donald
Watch the Recording
Update on COVID-19 Prevention, Testing, and Treatment
Held January 27th, 2021
Family physician Dr. Ben Hagopian, pharmacist Drew Gray, and wellness specialist Joel Hall will cover COVID-19 prevention (including vaccines), testing, and treatment options.
Drew Gray, PharmD, Pharmacist and Owner, Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness
Joel Hall, Wellness Specialist, Coastal Pharmacy & Wellness
Ben Hagopian, MD, MPH, Maine Integrative Family Care
More About Dr. Hagopian
Watch the Recording
Conservative Back Pain Management
Held January 13th, 2021
Dr. Phil Finemore will discuss how you can effectively treat and prevent back pain with conservative measures, avoiding the use of opioid pain medication and surgery while saving you money AND spending less time in pain!
Philip Finemore, PT, DPT, Cert. DN, Cert. VRS, Owner of WorkFitME
More About Dr. Finemore
Dr. Finemore founded WorkFitME Mobile Physical Therapy to help busy Maine professionals improve their physical performance so they can live a happy, healthy, and wealthy life with their loved ones. He is passionate about helping people ensure their number one asset in life (their body and health) gives them the biggest return on investment: an abundant life doing what they love with who they love.
Watch the Recording
Creatures of Habit: How to Form Self-Care Habits That Stick
Held December 29th, 2020
When it comes to eating well and exercising, do you know what to do but still struggle to do it?
Do you have really good intentions? Do you get yourself psyched up to start next Monday? Next month? Next year?
If you know what to do, and have really good intentions, but don’t have the self-care habits you really want to have, Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach Jason Gootman can help.
In this workshop, Jason will walk you through the seven essential steps required to form a rock-solid self-care habit.
You’ll walk away from this workshop:
- Prepared and inspired to confidently build one or more self-care habits
- Equipped with a troubleshooting plan for when you slip (slipping is part of the process; how you respond to it is key)
- Aware of the common pitfalls people encounter when forming a self-care habit so you can avoid them
You’re encouraged to come to this workshop with a self-care habit in mind that you want to form in the coming weeks and months.
Jason Gootman, MS, Rise and Thrive
Jason Gootman is a Mayo Clinic Certified Wellness Coach as well as a certified nutritionist and certified exercise physiologist. As an expert in behavior change and habit formation, Jason helps people turn knowledge and intention into action, habits, and results. For more about Jason, visit www.ithriveeachday.wordpress.com/about-jason-gootman
Watch the Recording
WEBINAR: The New Paradigm in Well-Being and Healthy Weight Management
Held September 22nd, 2020
A presentation of evidence-based methods for sustained weight loss and well-being by Jason Gootman, MS
- Learn how to lose weight, keep it off, and do so in the context of boosting your overall well-being
- Learn how to work with yourself not against yourself
- Learn how to permanently overcome yo-yo dieting
- Learn how to permanently overcome compensatory eating (commonly referred to as “emotional eating”)
Jason Gootman, MS, Rise and Thrive
Jason Gootman, MS, is a wellness coach who is famous for helping people who formerly struggled with taking care of themselves to become really well from the inside out. If you’ve tried and failed more times than you can count, Jason will end this cycle immediately and lastingly with his approach that turns the popular, dogmatic, guaranteed-to-fail approaches on their heads. Jason’s technical credentials include: Master of Science in Exercise Physiology, Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science, Certified Sports Nutritionist, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist.
For more about Jason, visit www.ithriveeachday.wordpress.com/about-jason-gootman.
Watch the Recording
Hypermobility and Ehler-Danlos Syndrome: Could this be a cause for your pain?
February 27th, 2020
If you or your child experience ongoing, musculoskeletal pain in multiple areas of the body, such as muscles, bones, and joints; and are frustrated that you’re unable to find an explanation, this session is for you.
In this presentation, we will review hypermobile conditions including the new label of “hypermobility spectrum disorder.” Learn about hypermobility here.
The presentation was created specifically for patients with an interest in the integrative and holistic care of hypermobility and pain. We will review the underlying causes and the many manifestations of hypermobility syndromes. Hypermobility is a condition that afflicts both children and adults, and we invite anyone interested in learning more about this condition as it relates to your own health or your child’s health.
Attendees will leave the session with actionable knowledge and practical tips to:
- Maximize function and health; and
- Treat pain due to hypermobility.
Jeffrey Kreher, MD, Co-Founder and Chief Medical Officer of Wellstead Health
Learn More About Dr. Kreher
This session will be presented by Jeffrey Kreher, MD – practicing physician in primary care functional medicine and sports medicine; and Chief Medical Officer with wellstead health.
Wellstead Health is a medical practice that melds expertise in functional and traditional medicine to guide patients toward optimal health. We support our patient community as a dedicated wellness ally offering an individualized, collaborative and science-based approach that focuses on uncovering the root causes of disease.
Dr. Kreher currently accepts patients with wellstead health via telehealth visits. Wellstead health is a Massachusetts based practice and will be opening an office in southern Maine by year end 2020. Beginning January, 2020 – wellstead health will be offering wellness workshops at West End Village Studio in Portland.
Design a Pediatric Wellness Wheel:
A Tool to Visualize Your Child’s Health & Wellbeing
January 9th, 2020

Join Lindy in creating a wellness wheel to support your child’s health, happiness, and resilience.
This process uses the visual representation of a circle to identify strengths & imbalances, that form the foundation of physical, and emotional well- being.
Lindy’s informative, interactive presentation will teach visionary concepts about Pediatric Integrative Medicine. Attendees will learn practical strategies to turn life from chaos to calm.
- The interconnectedness of nutrition, sleep hygiene and discerning use of screens
- Decoding medical paradigms to sift through infinite data on the internet
- Levelheaded strategies to boost focus & learning
- Basic supplements that can support cornerstones of health
Discussion will include, but not be limited to:
- Brain-gut health
- Nutrigenomics (how food affects our genes)
- Sleep architecture
- Mindfulness & movement
- Environmental influences on epigenetics
Please bring a clipboard or something hard to write/ draw on. Paper & colored pencils will be offered to those who want to draw their personal wellness wheel during the presentation.
Linda S. Grigel MHP, PA-C, Fal River Health Center
Approaching medicine with a reverence for the mind-body connection, Lindy Grigel MHP, PA-C, established Fal River Health Center in 2004, to provide innovative patient-centered care and wellness education.
With 40+ years of clinical expertise, she examines the source of health imbalance and provides effective treatment supported by evidence-based research.
Lindy is well known in our community for her acumen and wisdom.
“Sometimes in life, you meet someone that you could not imagine life without thereafter.” – AB
To learn more about Lindy and her practice, visit www.falriverhealthcenter.com.
Watch the Full Presentation on YouTube
A Chinese Medicine Approach to a Healthy Fall Transition
October 28th, 2019

Learn how to eat, drink, breathe, think, and dress for success this autumn and winter!
Join Chinese medicine physician Alexa Gilmore for the inside scoop on how to stay healthy and vibrant in body, mind, and spirit as we transition into the colder, darker days ahead.
Autumn arrives and we bear witness to the seasonal shift in our external environment, but we often neglect to acknowledge that same shift happening within us, in our own internal environment. The more we cultivate an awareness around these subtle shifts and an appreciation for them, the more we can stay tuned in to the energy of the season, and the stronger, healthier, and more resilient we become.
Alexa’s enthusiasm is sure to put a smile on your face, and you’ll leave with practical, actionable tools and tips that will transform your closet, vanity, kitchen, and perspective into the bastions of seasonal wellness that they are!
Alexa Gilmore, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, The Origin Center
Watch the Full Presentation on YouTube
Treating Lyme and Other Chronic Conditions with Hypnotherapy
Held September 18th, 2019

Spend an informative evening with Hugh Sadlier, M. Ed., a Board-Certified Hypnotherapist, who has been practicing in Portland and Blue Hill since 1991. The mind is undoubtedly an integral part of health and healing. Hypnotherapy can engage the whole brain in order to promote deeper levels of healing.
Using demonstrations, case studies and audience participation, Hugh will explain how hypnosis can improve your health and describe techniques for addressing Lyme and other chronic issues.
For more information, watch an interview with Hugh at https://www.hypno-health.net/facts.html.
Hugh Sadlier, M. Ed, BCCH, Medical Hypnotherapist, Integrative Health Center of Maine
Watch the Full Presentation on YouTube
The Healing Power of Restorative Sleep and Integrative Strategies To Address Common Sleep Issues
Held Thursday, September 12th, 2019

Getting a good night’s sleep is surprisingly difficult these days. Join Dr. Zarembka for an exciting discussion on everything sleep including:
- Sleep 101 – What We Know About The Physiology of Sleep
- Sleep Science – What Current Research Has to Say About Circadian Rhythm and Sleep
- Your Brain’s House Keeping System and Why It Only Works When You Sleep
- Environmental Factors Contributing To Poor Sleep?
- “Bio-Hacking” Sleep vs. Restoring Health
- Sleep As Your Best Medicine
- Integrative Approaches to Sleep Issues
Dr. Steven Zarembka, ND, Scarborough Integrative Health
Functional Labs Commonly Used in Women’s Health
Held Wednesday, May 15th, 2019

Determining a treatment plan without diagnostic testing is a lot like finding a foreign destination without a map. Learn more about lab tests commonly used to diagnose and treat women’s health concerns from a functional medicine perspective. What tests may be ordered based on your symptoms, what the results can reveal and how those results affect your treatment plan. You’ll also get a look into how functional medicine works to address the root cause of disease.
Carrie Levine, CNM, Founder of Whole Woman Health [ More about Carrie ]
Lyme Disease Town Hall with Lyme-Literate Health Practitioners
Thursday, May 9th

This is your chance to ask questions of 4 Portland-area Lyme-literate health care practitioners. You will benefit from perspectives gained through diverse treatment protocols and many different patients. They will share insights on diagnosis, treatment, and all-important prevention.
If you’re not familiar with the town hall meeting format, it’s an open forum that encourages questions and interactions between panelists and attendees. There will be a brief introduction then we’ll get right into questions and discussion.
Paula Jackson-Jones, President & Co-Founder of Midcoast Lyme Disease Support and Education
More About Paula
Sean McCloy, MD of Integrative Health Center of Maine
More About Dr. McCloy
Annette Mueller, MS, FNP, IFMCP of Precision Health Family Functional Medicine
More About Annette
Jacob Aguiar, ND of Scarborough Integrative Health
More about Dr. Aguiar
Event Recording
Perimenopause: What is it, is it happening to me, and what can I do about it?
Wednesday, March 27th, 6:00 – 7:30 pm

Perimenopause is a natural transition from ovulatory cycles to non-ovulatory cycles. It is the beginning stages of menopause, when the ovaries make less estrogen and progesterone. Timing of when it occurs can range from late 30’s to mid-50’s, but sometimes much earlier. More typically however, it starts from age 45 and up. Symptoms can be confusing and leave women feeling imbalanced in many ways from fluctuations in body temperature, emotions, weight, periods, sleep, and more.
Dr. Corina Dunlap [ More About Dr. Dunlap ]
Dr. Dunlap recently relocated to Portland, ME from Portland, OR where she worked in an integrative menopause clinic. She is dedicated to providing women access to the information, education, and solutions they need for optimal health. For more information about her, click https://www.drcorinadunlap.com/new-page
Event Recording
Healthy Veins, Healthy Legs
Thursday, March 21st, 6:00 – 7:00 pm

Nationally recognized vein specialist, Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen, will be here to discuss vein health and treatment options. Modern treatments for conditions such as varicose veins and spider veins are vastly different than those of the past. Treatments today are minimally invasive and involve less time and less pain. Dr. Cindy will explain what options may be right in different circumstances and how to promote vein health. There will be plenty of time available for your specific questions.
Dr. Cindy Asbjornsen, founder of Vein Healthcare Center [ More About Dr. Cindy ]
Event Recording
Intro to Herbs: Dreaming Your Herb Garden into Being
Thursday, January 24th
6:00 – 7:30 pm

What a beautiful, intimate, and deeply healing relationship you are creating, whether in a yard or in potted plants. Consider your own personal health goals, as this will support you in determining who you may want to invite to be a part of your magic space. We’ll speak briefly of strategies for building a garden bed, then of moist/dry and sun/shade considerations. We’ll allow time and space for intuition to come forth and for questions to be answered. You will leave inspired and with confidence.
Mischa Schuler, Community Herbalist and Founder of Wild Carrot Herbs [ More About Mischa ]
Intro to Medicinal Cannabis and Hemp
Thursday, January 10th
6:00 – 7:30 pm

Cannabis is a medicinal plant that has been used since ancient times. There’s no doubt that it has become shrouded in controversy and confusion. At Coastal, we get many questions surrounding it’s many forms and uses. It’s become evident that education on the legitimacy of its power to treat various conditions is sorely needed. Nurse practitioner, Jay Reighley will be here to share her extensive knowledge of the topic and answer your questions.
Some of the topics that will be covered:
- Derivatives and forms of cannabis
- Cannabinoids and cannabinoid receptors (how cannabis works in your body)
- Strains of cannabis
- Difference between cannabis and hemp
- CBD and THC
- Over-the-counter vs medical card requirement
- Laboratory testing for strength and purity
- Dosing
- Role of the caregiver (one who assists with medical marijuana treatment)
Jay Reighley, APRN, Nurse Practitioner at Integr8 Health [More About Jay]
Accompanying Article
For a primer, check out Jay’s article The Long Journey of Cannabis Medicine.
YouTube Video
Intro to Herbs: Culinary Herbs to Support the Immune System
Tuesday, November 27th
6:00 – 7:30 pm

With pizzazz and a bit of magic lore, we’ll explore the herbs and condiments you have in your kitchen cabinets and refrigerator door that will support you as we move into the winter months. Come away with trust in your body’s capacity to keep you warm and healthy through the season, with a pinch of this and a bit of that.
Mischa Schuler, Community Herbalist and Founder of Wild Carrot Herbs [ More About Mischa ]
Facebook Live Video
Implementing an Anti-inflammatory Nutrition Plan
Thursday, November 8th
6:00 – 7:30 pm

Inflammation is at the root of many disease states. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet can be a huge part of treating chronic pain, heart disease, stroke, Alzheimer’s and depression. This talk will guide you through implementing an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan for life. Steph will use The Inflammation Syndrome: Your Nutrition Plan for Great Health, Weight Loss, and Pain-Free Living as a guide, so you can go home with a comprehensive resource at your fingertips.
Stephanie Walsh, CPT, CNTP, CEPC, The Holistic Health Approach [ More About Steph ]
Facebook Live Video
Autumn Herb Walk at Deering Oaks Park
Tuesday, September 18th
5:30 – 7:00 pm

As the light shifts, on the week of the Equinox, we’ll visit with the plants as their energy moves back into their roots in preparation for the seasonal changes ahead. We will visit with these extraordinary beings in their later stage of growth – observing seed strategies and marveling at how much the Earth has to offer. Our evening will be rich in herbal folklore, laughter, and understanding of how to incorporate our new plant friends into daily Life.
Meet at the Deering Oaks Park east parking lot. The address is roughly 356 State Street. The walk will be a leisurely quarter mile (approximately) with stops along the way.
Walk Leader
Mischa Schuler, Community Herbalist and Founder of Wild Carrot Herbs [ More About Mischa ]
Lyme Disease Town Hall with Area Health Practitioners
Wednesday, May 23rd
6:00 – 8:00 pm

If you “know Lyme” you most likely “know frustration.” Whether you’re in your initial stages of finding a diagnosis, deep into treatment or are supporting a loved one struggling with the disease, knowledge is one of your best defenses.
We’ve assembled a panel of Maine health practitioners who are fluent in treating Lyme disease. These individuals are passionate about helping those dealing with Lyme and are excited to share their knowledge with those who desperately need it.
If you’re not familiar with the town hall meeting format, it’s an open forum that encourages questions and interactions between panelists and attendees. There will be a brief introduction then we’ll get right into questions and discussion.
Paula Jackson-Jones, President & Co-Founder of Midcoast Lyme Disease Support and Education
More About Paula
Dr. Sean McCloy, MD, MPH, MA, Medical Director and Founder of Integrative Health Center of Maine
More About Dr. McCloy
Dr. Jacob Aguiar, ND, Co-Founder of Scarborough Integrative Health
More About Dr. Aguiar
Mary Penner MSN, FNP, Co-Founder of Therapia-Maine
A Menopause Primer
Wednesday, October 25, 5:30 – 7:00 PM

Menopause, defined as a year without a period, marks a major shift in a woman’s body. The years of hormone imbalance leading to menopause are considered perimenopause. The whole process can last up to a decade. As hormones shift and change over this time, what your body needs shifts and changes. Luckily, there are a lot options available to support yourself through this time.
Carrie Levine and Jay will be here to provide the information you need to greet this phase of life with clear understanding.
Carrie Levine, CNM, Certified Nurse Midwife and Founder of Whole Woman Health [More About Carrie]
Jay Reighley, APRN, Nurse Practitioner at Integr8 Health
Facebook Live Video
October Gut Health Series
Digestive complaints are not the only sign of compromised gut health. Did you know that brain fog, fatigue, depression, weight gain, acne, joint pain, allergies, chronic infections, thyroid problems and more all relate to the health of your gut? In this Gut Health Series, learn what’s going on in your gut, how your food and mood are affecting your gut health, and the steps you can take to get back on track to a healthier, happier you!
Attending at least one of the 4-week series will be beneficial, but why not sign up for the entire series! Each week builds your knowledge of the digestive tract and enhances your chance of optimizing your gut health.
Series Leader
Stephanie Walsh, CPT, CNTP, CEPC, Founder of The Holistic Health Approach [ More About Steph ]
Week 1 – In One End and Out the Other: The Whats of the Guts
Thursday, October 5, 5:30 pm
Do you really know your gut? Get to know the soups-to-nuts, from tongue to bum, of your digestive tract. You’ll learn the anatomy of your digestive tract, how your gut processes the food you eat, and why those little bugs called your microbiome are so important. This is where health starts. Learning how it all works will help you make healthy decisions and analyze where there may be an issue.
Facebook Live Video
Week 2 – Eat Your Greens and Gasoline: What You Don’t Know You’re Eating
Thursday, October 12, 5:30 pm
Ever wonder what those unpronounceable ingredients are in your food? There are a lot of hidden toxins in our food supply. You’ll learn where those toxins are coming from (hint: think of your car’s gas tank), how pesticides and other toxins effect your overall health and why gut health is important in protecting you from these insults. Get the biggest bang for your health buck. Learning which foods and products are effecting your health – both positively and negatively – will help you become a more informed, savvy shopper and improve your health.
Facebook Live Video
Week 3 – Fatigue, Fogginess, Fear and Food: What Your Brain May be Telling You
Thursday, October 19, 5:30 pm
Gut health is key to brain health! What you eat can either support or compromise your brain activity. You’ll learn about the gut-brain connection, how stress and depression or anxiety effect your gut health, and what foods or supplements are vital for optimal gut and brain health. This is a key component to the secret of happiness. Learning how your gut health effects your mood, and vice versa, will help you make the nutrition and lifestyle changes that will keep you healthy and happy.
Facebook Live Video
Week 4 of the October Gut Health Series
Don’t Worry, I’ve Gut This! Your Road to a Healthy Gut
<brThursday, October 26, 5:30 pm
Knowledge is power, and now you’ve got the power to optimize your gut health! You’ll learn several lifestyle steps you can take to support your digestive tract, improve your gut health and live a happier, healthier life! Bring it all together. Understanding the steps you can take to enhance your gut health will help you continue making healthy changes that set you on the path to optimizing your health, your weight and your life!
Facebook Video
Gene-Based Health: Change Your Destiny with Lifestyle Planning
Saturday, September 23, 10:00 -11:30 AM

Your family’s health history is not your health destiny. Your genes tell an important story about your health risks and potential. You can rewrite that story by planning your lifestyle around your genes. In this way, you learn to work with your genetic code rather than against it.
Dr. Mueller will discuss what we can learn from genetic testing and how it helps determine what lifestyle habits will work best with your genetic makeup.
For more information, view Dr. Mueller’s informational video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJuENQsOus0.
Dr. Rudy Mueller, Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner, Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine Fellow, and co-founder of Precision Health in Scarborough [ More About Dr. Mueller ]