Digestive Relief for Life by Dr. Sasha Rose N.D., L.Ac.
You’ve probably heard the news – we carry a giant, complex world of microorganisms within our gut. Our gut microbiota (sometimes referred to as “gut flora”) contain tens of trillions of microorganisms, including at least 1000 different species of known bacteria, and it can weigh anywhere from 2-4 pounds!
In the past couple of years, evidence continues to grow – our gut microbiota can profoundly influence our brain chemistry and influence a range of behavioral phenomena, including emotional behavior, pain perception – even how we respond to stress.
The idea that the microorganisms teeming in our gut can affect not only the bowel, but the mind, is not new to me. In fact, as a Naturopathic Doctor, Acupuncturist, and yoga instructor, I’ve always carried an intimate understanding of the connections between our gut health and our mental/spiritual well-being. But what I also understand is the reverse – how our mental and spiritual well-being can affect our gut health.
In practice, I’ve helped thousands of patients heal their gut and manage their stress more effectively, and I’ve witnessed profound improvements in their lives. After 10 years of this kind of work, and at the urging of my friend, Ari Gersen, I finally buckled down to write a book based on my experience (which includes my formal training and my knowledge of current research on the gut-brain connection).
Though the book is full of practical advice (yoga poses, specific foods, specific supplements), there are four key points that are essential to digestive health.
- You have two brains – the first being the obvious one in your head. Your second brain isn’t an organ. Rather, it’s a giant, spider-like web of 100 million nerve cells. It begins in your throat and stretches all the way through your digestive tract. Just like you can train the brain in your head, you can train the brain in your gut. It’s possible to efficiently digest food, stimulate proper nutrient absorption, and have regular, clockwork elimination.
- Common go-to treatments within the conventional medical model (antacids and acid reducers) can make digestive issues worse. Many doctors don’t look to treat the root of the issue of digestive health. Most often, they prescribe medications and the stress-related component of digestive distress is ignored.
- There is an intricate relationship between our emotions and our digestive health. My experience has shown me that out-of-control stress is almost always a major part of digestive issues. Learning how to effectively manage stress is equally important to what you decide to put in your mouth. There are concrete tools available to help manage stress, and learning these tools can help us avoid internalizing stress in our gut.
- The food we eat plays an essential role in maintaining the diversity and proper functioning of our gut microbiota. In addition to managing stress, digestive hygiene (eating the right foods, slowly, and not too much), combined with some simple supplements can further help with efficient digestion and improved quality of life.
Once my patients have the tools they need to get to feel healthy and have relief of chronic digestive distress, they begin to thrive. Recovered patients report less anxiety and depression, improved sleep and energy, and renewed focus and concentration. Though chronic digestive issues can seem as if they will never change, with dedication to a few lifestyle modifications and a bit of patience, people find that their bodies begin to function much more efficiently.
Purchase Dr. Rose’s book: Digestive Relief for Life: The Secret of the Gut-Brain Connection